
Consiglio Nazionale degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori
Ordine degli Architetti Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori della Provincia di Macerata
Università di Camerino
Comune di Camerino
Archeoclub d'Italia

XXXIV International Seminar and Award for Architecture and Urban Culture - Camerino 2024


CAMERINO, University Auditorium, 29-31 July 2024



Saying that a city is beautiful is not enough - the idea of beauty, at least, needs to be clarified. We know shiny and sensual cities, in front of which we feel amazed, but remain alien.

Our idea of beauty leans towards bright, welcoming, inclusive cities where there is a healthy and friendly atmosphere, where everyone can feel at home for the time they live or spend time there.

Architecture is fundamental in the realization of this idea of beauty, in the physical construction of spaces for living: from the house, the primary cell of urban space, to the places of sociality in all its facets, in which space is conceived to welcome the activities and encourage the best expectations of each individual and of the community.

The beautiful city, therefore, is an in-progress project, a difficult and fascinating one due to the complexity of the contemporary urban dimension, which is open and changeable when it needs to respond to epochal turning points and evolving technologies, yet firm in the search for urban humanity, well-being, freedom of movement, and manifestation of thought.


The XXXIV Seminar of Architecture and Urban Culture will meet for three days, during which architects are called to exhibit and present their projects as relative to various aspects of urban space: from dwelling spaces, to places of aggregation and work, to mobility and green spaces.

Two categories of works can be presented: Completed Works, or Projects. The latter section is open also to students, in the spirit that has always characterized the Camerino event to introduce young graduates to the profession.

The presentations of exhibited works will alternate with scheduled conversations on these themes: Harmony and the Shared City; The Open Spaces of the City; The Shape of the City; City for All. Hospitality, Mobility, Urban Networks; Artificial Intelligence and City Design; Architecture Explained and the Profession of the Architect.

On the final day, certificates of participation will be handed and the Premi SACU - CAMERINO 2024 awarded to selected works.

A monograph of the Seminar will be published on Architettura e Città, Di Baio Editore.

How to attend the seminar

Students, researchers, teachers, professionals, and other operators interested in the topic can participate in the seminar. Participants will stay at university colleges at contracted rates.

The registration fee is € 80, (€ 40 for students).

Applications must be received by July 26, 2024.

Registration form

How to enter the competition 

Participation in the SACU Award is optional and is reserved to those enrolled in the Architecture and Urban Culture Seminar - Camerino 2024.
Professionals, graduates, and students of Italian and international Schools of Architecture and Engineering can participate in the award. Participation can take place both individually and in groups. In the case of group participation, it will be sufficient for at least one member of the group to register and participate in the seminar. Each participant, single or group, may present only one work.

Unpublished works (projects, research, completed works) completed from 2019 onwards are admitted. Works must be relevant to the design themes proposed by the Seminar and reflect the inspiring principles highlighted in the introduction; in particular, they must feature innovative ideas, technologies, programs for an ecological and quality Architecture.

Required documents


The submission of entries involves two distinct phases:

First phase: the application form and two files with the most relevant information on the work/project must be submitted by July 15, 2024. The summary should consist of some illustrations and a short text (font Arial, body not less than 9) all clearly readable and reproducible typographically. This documentation should be contained in two files in JPG or PDF format, 300 DPI, each of size 18 cm (base) x 26.7 cm (height). The author(s) and title of the work should be listed in the header of the first folder. Participants should also highlight the context in which the project experience was carried out (Institution or University, Year, Course, Thesis, Supervisor, etc.).

All the material will be collected and published in the digital catalogue.

Second phase: from Sunday, July 28, 2024 each participant will participate in the exhibition with a display surface of about cm 85x180h, where designs, tables, photographs, and other material can be exhibited. Please note that only adhesive tape (removable) or hangers on rigid support are permitted. Over the course of the seminar, participants will be able to present their work with a video and an oral presentation for a total time of 10 minutes.


Clarification requests can be sent by e-mail to
Answers will be published on the FAQ page.

Awards - Jury

The SACU 2024 Architecture Prize consists of a total of € 5,000, broken down as follows:
€ 2,000 to the 1st place in the Completed Works category
€ 2,000 to the 1st place in the Projects and Research category
€ 1,000 Critics Award
n. 2 special mentions

It is possible to award ex-aequo prizes. Awarded works and special mentions will be published in issue n. 20 of the ARCHITECTURE and CITY series.

The award ceremony will take place at the end of the Seminar. The works will be selected with a vote expressed by the participants enrolled in the Seminar. Finally a commission composed of:

  • President of the National Architects Council, PPC or his delegate

  • President of the Architects Order, PPC of the province of Macerata or his delegate

  • n. 3 among professionals and teachers invited to the seminar, coming from different universities

will assign, at its unquestionable decision, the prizes and awards.

The same commission reserves the right to award the Critics Prize among all the works presented.

Secretariat - Information
Eleonora Branchesi, tel. + 39 3396506447

Director: Giovanni Marucci

Seminario di Architettura e Cultura Urbana - Camerino     

